
Cover image for talk
Into the Fediverse - Omaha Elixir Mixer
An exploration of the Federated Universe and the Activity Pub protocol that makes it possible.
Elixir Meetups
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Exploring Livebook - Omaha Elixir Mixer
A hands-on exploration of Elixir's interactive, collaborative code notebook - Livebook
Elixir Meetups
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Journey to Becoming a Software Engineer - WITH/OJUG 2019
My story of moving from teaching to becoming a software engineer. (Second iteration of talk)
Learning to Code Meetups
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Journey to Becoming a Software Engineer - Coffee and Code 2019
My story of moving from teaching to becoming a software engineer. (First iteration of talk)
Learning to Code Meetups
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Hometown Tourist - Bar Camp 2018
Sharing the history of the Hometown Tourist and plans for the future
Hometown Tourist Side Projects