Hometown Tourist - Bar Camp 2018

Video #

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About this talk #

Presentation describes the history of my Hometown Tourist side project and plans for the future.

I gave this largely-impromptu presentation at Bar Camp Omaha at Kaneko in 2018. It was breakfast time and no one was signing up for the opening slots. I'd been thinking about giving a talk on the Hometown Tourist but hadn't had time to prepare anything. Friends(?) at my table said I should go for it, so I put some slides together quickly and added my name to the sign-up sheet.

A few minutes later, I learned that my laptop didn't have an HDMI output for connecting to the projector. Doh...

Big thanks to the BarCamp staff for being awesome and finding an adapter for me, and to the audience for being kind and providing great feedback on the idea. Thanks also to Tech Omaha for recording the presentations that day.

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